Khmer BBQ beef kebabs12

You need:
1 teaspoon black Kampot pepper
1 stalk lemon grass
3 cloves of garlic
2 shallots
4 tablespoons soya sauce
2 tablespoons palm sugar
500 gram tender beef, cut into strips
Bamboo skewers

Chop the tender inner part of the bottom of the lemon grass. Peel and chop the garlic and the shallots. Ground the pepper. Combine these in a mortar and pound it all into a paste.  Add soya sauce and palm sugar and mix well. 

Put the meat into the marinate and marinade for 1 hour, longer if possible.

Skewer the beef onto the skewers and grill the kebabs for 5 minutes on each side at 200 degrees. 
Served with pickled vegetables and maybe some bread for the perfect starter or snack. 

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